Friday, October 19, 2012

We need your help this Saturday!

Great News!  Haisley has won a matching grant from ReLeaf Michigan. The program will provide 5 new trees for the Haisley School yard. Now for the work... ReLeaf assigned Haisley to their Fall planting schedule. That means we need to act quickly and beat the frost. We need 10-15 volunteers to dig the holes this weekend. We're a few shovels shy of our goal.  Got a friend? Bring'em. The more folks we get the faster we finish.

WHEN: Saturday October 20th (this weekend!) 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM - RAIN OR SHINE
* don't worry - U of M doesn't kick-off till 3:30

WHAT: experience necessary. We have 5/36"x24" holes to dig so we're looking for 10-15 folks (2-3 per hole)

WHERE: Haisley....along the sidewalk dividing the upper and lower El playgrounds

BYOS: Bring you own Shovel....we'll have a few extras, but it'll work best if each digger brings their own so that we can dig simultaneously.

What about kids? This is most definitely a grown-up activity. Kids are MORE THAN WELCOME to come out - in fact we encourage it, but they will need to be playing on the playground, not digging.

Please RSVP to so that we can get an accurate count and plan accordingly